Thursday, February 26, 2015

A 90-day Challenge

I know a couple of people participating in a 90 day challenge beginning March 1st. It sounded very awesome. You write a blog, you get daily exercises and receive a customized meal plan from the creator of the challenge. The idea of doing a 90-day challenge with people I know who could keep me accountable sounded like so much fun. Then I found out how much it costs...$600! Knowing my commitment level to anything fitness related, I had a hard time thinking $600 was reasonable.

In April of 2014 I paid for a year long gym membership to the local community parks & rec club. I maybe used it 10 times and haven't been back since August 2014.

Prior to that I paid for a 3 month running club that I went to for about a month. There were plenty of excuses not to go: it was a winter session, I'm not a runner, blah blah blah.

Prior to that I paid for several seasons of slow-pitched softball and fast-pitched softball. The problem with softball was that I was the worst player on the team; every season the worst player on the team. While I stuck it out through each season, it was hard to play with people who also knew I wasn't that good at softball (despite my years of being most improved player every year from the age of 10 to 18).

Prior to that I paid a few hundred dollars for a personal trainer at a local gym. While I was sparingly using the gym more than the local parks & rec, I wasn't using it enough to utilize the personal training to it's full benefit. I didn't see much change in my body due to the fact that I didn't "gym" between my once a week training sessions.

With the exception of playing roller derby for three straight years, I haven't done the best job of committing to fitness activities. How could I pay $600 for another program?! Perhaps I will create my own free 90-day program. Perhaps I will come up with the motivation, determination and commitment to do a self produced program. This blog is a start.

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